Rebel Commander


You are a group of Rebel Commanders from different Factions attempting to take hold of the planet to keep it from falling under Imperial control. You will each direct your units to take certain actions in cooperation with each other to help achieve this goal. You are provided with regularly updated information about the outcome of the orders you and your fellow commanders have given your units, as well as intelligence about actions the Imperial troops have taken.

Your Orders:

Each turn you may provide up to 3 orders to be carried out by your units. Each order is chosen from among these possible actions:

Move Troops

Move 1 squad of Troops: move one unit of Troops from any one location to any other adjacent location (horizontal or vertical movement only, not diagonal), even if that location has enemy units present

Move Speeders

Move 1 squad of Speeders: move one unit of Speeders from any one location to any other location up to 2 spaces away (horizontal or vertical movement only, not diagonal), even if that location has enemy units present

Move Transport

Move Transport: move one Transport unit from any one location, along with up to 4 units of Troops also located at that same location, to any other location up to 2 spaces away (horizontal or vertical movement only, not diagonal), even if that location has enemy units present

Build Troops

Build Troop squad: build one unit of Troops at a single location where you have at least one unit of any kind present and no enemy units are present

Build Speeders

Build Speeders: build one unit of Speeders at a single location where you have at least two units of any kind present, one of which must be a squad of Troops, and no enemy units are present. Must convert one squad of Troops into the newly built squad of Speeders.

Build Transport

Build Transport: build one Transport unit at a single location where you have at least two units of any kind present, one of which must be a squad of Troops, and no enemy units are present. Must convert one squad of Troops into the newly built Transport.


Attack: attack all enemy units present at one location using all your units present at that same location - a single die roll (1-6) by each side determines the winner. Multiple Rebel Factions may combine their attacks together if they all issue the Attack at the same location during the same order number.

Attack Die Roll Adjustments: attacking Troops add +1 to the die value per unit of Troops present, attacking Speeders add +2 to the die value per unit of Speeders present, attacking Transports add +1 to the die value for each Transport unit present beyond the first Transport.

Defend Die Roll Adjustments: defending Troops add +1 to the die roll for each unit of Troops present beyond the first unit of Troops, defending Speeders add +1 to the die value for each unit of Speeders present beyond the first unit of Speeders, defending Transports add +2 to the die value for each Transport unit present. A die roll tie (after adjustments) goes in favor of the defender.

Turn Sequence

Each turn all 3 of each players' actions will be attempted in the sequence in which the orders were given.
For each action a random order selection will be made between all human players and the Empire's AI player to determine the sequence for whose orders are applied first. This random selection will be weighted by an "enthusiasm" adjustment for each player. Any player, human or AI, who is the victor during an Attack action will receive a small gain to their "enthusiasm", leading to a slight increase in the likelihood that their orders will be applied sooner than other players' orders. Any loss during an Attack action will receive a small reduction to their "enthusiasm", leading to a slightly greater likelihood that their orders will be applied later than other players. Enthusiasm will tend to return to a neutral state over time, so any adjustment gains or losses will diminish and eventually be negated after a few turns. A new sequence is chosen for each action, so your orders could be applied first for one action and last for another action.

A high enthusiasm adjustor is no guarantee that your action will be carried out sooner than other players' actions, it's simply an increase in the likelihood that your actions will occur sooner. Your enthusiasm score is not displayed, so you will need to remain aware of your victories and losses during Attacks, as well as the Empire's victories and losses during Attacks, to gauge whether or not you feel that your enthusiasm score may be higher or lower than your opponent and/or other players.

Since orders are applied in a sequence it's possible that your actions may become inoperable, depending on the results of previous actions by you and other players. For this reason you will want to choose your sequence of orders carefully. You may also wish to discuss with fellow human players who among you will take on certain actions first, based on current game conditions, to help ensure a Rebel victory.

Simultaneous Attack by multiple Rebel players

If more than one Rebel player has issued an Attack order at the same location with the same Action number, that Attack will happen the first time it occurs in the sequence of turns by one of the players who issued the simultaneous Attack order, at which point the Attack will be carried out at that location by ALL units present belonging to every Rebel player who contributed to that simultaneous Attack order. The simultaneous Attack will occur only once. Future turn sequence occurences of that Attack order by the other contributing players during this same round of orders will be ignored.


Winning: The first side (Rebel or Imperial) to occupy at least 75% of the planet's locations (60 out of 80 spaces) by having at least one unit present in a space where no enemy troop units are present, and has more total units on the planet than the enemy, secures the planet and is declared the winner.

Game Map

To play, print out 4 copies of the following page:

Tape the pages together and label the rows of spaces A-J and the columns of spaces 0-7 as shown here:

Use coins or pieces from another board game as unit markers for Troops, Speeders, and Transports for each side.
To begin, place the following units for each player and for the Imperial AI: Your initial starting board should now look like this: