Angular Velocity: rad/sec

Click on the rotating disk repeatedly to speed it up
Click on any one of the stationary objects to pick it up and drop it onto the spinning disk
Note the angular velocity just before and just after the object is dropped onto the spinning disk
Just as in a physical experiment, the spinning disk has a small amount of friction that will cause it to gradually slow down.
You will need to note the angular velocity of the spinning disk immediately before and after the dropped object connects with it
in order to minimize error in your calculations arising from slowing due to friction with the axis the rotating disk spins on.
Click "reset" to start over and try dropping a different object

Rotating (bottom) Disk Diameter = 25.4cm
Rotating (bottom) Disk Mass = 888g

Bar Length = 22.6cm
Bar Width = 5.1cm
Bar Mass = 707g

Stationary (top) Disk Diameter = 24.9cm
Stationary (top) Disk Mass = 847g

Point Mass = 185g
Drop Distance from center of rotation on bottom disk = 10.2cm